- nonmedical general helpers: handy, organized
- Students: medical students, nursing students, and our high school scholarship student translators get unlimited hands-on experience
Missions can be like roughing it at camp. Accommodations are modest, the work place is challenging due to cultural and language differences, GI distress is not uncommon due to the strange environment.
Those who enjoy different cultures, keep a flexible attitude and have minimal needs love it! Cost varies from year. Trip costs can be offset via personal fundraising and, depending on the donations we get that year, underwriting by HCMM is sometimes available. Please visit our contact page to get more information.
Planning schedule
Missions take place 2 weeks in February, one of which is a school vacation week for Hancock County Maine. General meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Contact us for location.
April-Sept Early mission planning
Oct-Nov Scholarship student selection process
November 1 Mission deposit ($100)
Oct-Nov-Dec Annual fundraising campaign
Final mission planning
December Mission fee deadline
Jan. or Feb. Visit your PCP to get Rx for travel medications
Supplies inventories and packed for travel